A downloadable game for Android

Slap the goose, avoid the duck! One slapped goose is worth 1 point, while one slapped duck loses 2 points.


This game is produced for the PICO VR system, It is guaranteed to NOT WORK on any other platform!

Made in ~6 hours for the NUS GDG Game jam. (Even though it totally breaks the rules of the game jam T_T ).

Uses the PICO Unity Integration Package and Unity's XR packages.


release.apk 34 MB

Install instructions

To install onto a PICO device:

1. Enable developer mode on your PICO device (go to https://developer-global.pico-interactive.com/document/unity/pdc-basic-info/ for instructions) 

2. Run an install apk command through the Pico Developer Center.

3. Enjoy!

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